Monday, June 15, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Alarm Grid Headquarters Reopens! - Alarm Grid

COVID-19 Update: Alarm Grid Headquarters Reopens!

Posted By Michael Goris

Today marks the first day for many of us at Alarm Grid in returning to our headquarters! After working from home for the past couple of months, we are eager to come back. We are returning in waves, so not everyone will be back at once. This is due to new health and safety requirements.

Alarm grid inside security stickers

Unfortunately, our support technicians and our planners won't be returning to the office for a few more weeks. This will allow us to better-conform with CDC guidelines. And as per new occupational safety requirements, we have already outfitted our headquarters with some upgrades to encourage social distancing. We intend on being completely safe and cautious with our transition back.

With our technicians and planners continuing to work from home, nothing will change in terms of your end user experience. Any orders will continue to be sent out by our shipping team like normal. Just keep in mind that some products may be backordered. If you want to make sure that an item is in stock, just contact us, and we'll be happy to check.

We can say that since our content team is returning, we will have some long-awaited videos being uploaded soon! Our usual video stars won't be returning right away, so you'll have to settle for a few of myself. We think our regular guys will be back soon though!

The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone, us included. But we are proud to say that we have made an excellent transition to working from home. And now, we're excited to get back to our usual spot!

If you would like to learn more about Alarm Grid or sign-up for monitoring, the best way to contact us is by email at If you want to reach us by phone it's (888) 818-7728. We operate business hours from 9am to 8pm ET M-F. We look forward to hearing from you!


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