Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Helpful Tips For Protecting Your Small Business During a Mandated Shutdown - Guardian Protection Website

We’re facing an unprecedented situation that’s evolving hour by hour. To say the least, it’s a difficult time to own a business. But small or local business owners may be encountering particularly stressful and unique challenges.

We provide security to many small business owners, including those who are required by the government to shut down during this emergency. Investing in small business security is always the smart choice for many reasons, but we recognize that taking the necessary steps to protect your livelihood has never been more important.

As you continue to respond and adapt, we want to help you discover new and manageable ways to keep your business safe while the doors are closed.

Take action to help secure your small business

Our security experts at Guardian Protection offer these 10 tips for securing your small business during this challenging time.

1. Secure valuable items and equipment out of sight or in an alternate location creating less temptation for a burglar. 

2. If you have a company vehicle, park it in your store’s lot. Move it around daily to give the appearance that people are coming and going.

3. Suspend or forward mail, newspaper or package deliveries so they don’t pile up at your location.

4. Check in daily at your physical site (at different times) to ensure everything is secure.

5. Leave a few lights on in the building and remove anything that obstructs the view of your location from the street. This gives intruders fewer places to hide in the dark.

6. Team up with neighboring businesses to look out for each other. Start a Facebook group, a text chain, or a regularly scheduled Skype session to stay in touch and report any suspicious activity.

7. Keep up with your business’s social media and website presence. Continue to post information, updates, promotions, etc. to show you are still active and conducting business to the best of your ability.

8. If you have a security system, prominently display the signs and window decals to communicate that your business is professionally monitored. 

9. Introduce yourself to local law enforcement and first responders who serve your area and provide your contact information.

10. Update your contact list and information with your security provider, landlord and neighboring businesses who may need to get in touch with you or another employee if something arises.

Do you already have Guardian?

If your small business has Guardian Protection security, here are few additional steps we recommend taking as soon as possible:

1. Update your emergency contacts here.

If your business is closed temporarily, you may want Guardian to contact you directly instead of an employee. Make sure your emergency contact list is up to date so the right people are notified if there is an incident.

2. Give us your updated schedule.

Many businesses provide us with their regular operating schedules so we know when they are supposed to be open or closed. If Guardian monitors your schedule (open/close) call us with any changes to your hours. We can make adjustments right over the phone.

Learn more about what Guardian can do for you

Security isn’t something you have to tackle alone, and you don’t need a huge budget to help protect your investment. Whether you’re running a family owned shop, a restaurant or a professional office, we can tailor a system to meet your specific needs.

Learn more here, or take our small business quiz to find the right solution for you.

Stay safe!


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